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Note: This program utilizes Canvas. Be sure to get your password and instructions on how to access MyCSUDH when you register.
Participants will improve their computer, listening, speaking, writing, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This is a 36-semester unit graduate program, which can be completed in two years without coming to the Dominguez Hills campus. Courses run 12 weeks each term.
Students will participate on-line using the CSUDH Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Students are required to complete the online readings and exercises. Students will also be required to participate by posting responses to instructor's questions and participating in class discussions utilizing the discussion board. See Course Schedule for specific meeting dates and times. The course week will begin on Mondays at 12:00 am PT, and end on Sundays at 11:59 pm PT.
Canvas tutorials are available at the following website: ►
In addition, students have the option of coming on campus and attending class in one of the university's computer labs.
All students must have an email account and an internet provider for communication with the instructors and administrators of the program.
Note: If the prerequisite for your course is not offered, please contact Brian Jarrett at or Dr. Rene Castro at to request an exception.
Determining specific purpose and key issues when negotiating, resolving conflict, and building peace. Effective application when reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Questioning information, conclusions, and points of view with clarity, accuracy, precision and relevance. ‘‘Thinking beyond the box’’ with fairness and logic.
Prerequisite: NCR 500
Examines individual group values and perspectives in relation to negotiation, conflict resolution and peacebuilding processes, with special emphasis on analyzing third party intervener’s ethical responsibilities and dilemmas. Case studies used to examine and formulate ethical approaches to critical issues.
Prerequisite: NCR 500
Critical analysis of conflict theories and models among individuals, organizations and governments; exploring causes, functions and effects. Perspectives from anthropology, archaeology, biology, communications, economics, gender studies, geography, history, mathematics, political science, psychology, psychiatry, sociobiology, and sociology.
Prerequisite: NCR 500, 503 and 504
Considers various research methods to be used in negotiation, conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Covers research design and the tools needed to conduct basic independent research. Students develop a compelling research proposal addressing questions of importance to them.
Prerequisites: NCR 500, 503 and 504
Emphasizes human communication in context of conflict. Addresses challenges to effective communication caused by interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup or intragroup conflict, and role of communication in resolving such conflicts. Concentrates on methods of communication most effective in dealing with differences.
Prerequisites: NCR 500, 503 and 504
Tactics used in negotiations among individuals, institutions, and societies. Planning and conducting personal, corporate, labor, hostage, and diplo-matic negotiations. Cross-cultural, ethical, and historical dimensions.
Prerequisites: NCR 500, 503, 504, 508, and 522
Theory and skills including requirements for certification under the California Dispute Resolution Programs Act, especially agreement procedures, case development, consensus building, issue framing and prioritizing, orientations toward conflict, and record keeping.
Prerequisites: Requires approval of program director
Compulsory and non-compulsory arbitration of grievances in public, private, corporate, labor, and international disputes. Case studies explore the arbitration role in unique settings.
Prerequisites: Requires approval of program director
Students will work as interns in agencies in negotiation, conflict resolution and/or peacebuilding, and will consult weekly with a faculty supervisor. A total of 120 hours of agency internship experience will be required to successfully complete the course. An internship for the Post-NCRP MA Certificate may not be the same as the internship used by the student for NCR 529 as part of the NCRP MA Degree Program.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Addresses emerging practice of conflict resolution in cyberspace. ODR utilizes online resources as the ‘‘fourth party’’ collaborating with the traditional third party in resolving conflicts more efficiently and less expensively.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
This course is an overview of methods of dispute resolution. Introduction to and history of dispute resolution for traditional and nontraditional families, emphasizing mediation. The mediation process as it has evolved. Families in and out of the court system. Simulations of family mediations.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Provides a forum in which all students, staff, and faculty can creatively process and resolve conflict rather than allowing hostilities to build toward violence or adjudication. Each semester, conducts a basic mediation skills training faor campus and surrounding communities.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Case and historical studies in selected industries. Past, present, and pending court decisions or national and state labor laws. Strategic planning for labor organizations. The process of negotiating a labor contract. Grievance and arbitration procedures.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Origin and types of conflicts which arise within and between complex organizations. Positive and negative effects of Organizational conflict. Exploiting, preventing, containing, escalating, and resolving conflict.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Examines sports law and dispute resolution utilizing particularly the processes of arbitration and mediation. Focuses on players, owners, agents and unions, as well as other areas of conflict such as free agency and player attitude and disloyalty.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Study of selected international conflicts involving complex issues such as culture, ethnicity, politics and religion. Considers common misconceptions concerning diplomacy. Encourages students to appreciate approaches to negotiation, conflict resolution and peacebuilding as vehicles for successful grassroots impact on peace efforts.
Prerequisites: NCR 504, 507, 508, 522, 525 and 544
Considers constructive and timely approaches to resolving conflicts arising over use, conservation, and restoration of environment, natural resources, and public lands. Examines basic principles, mechanisms and strategies for engaging federal agencies in effective environmental conflict resolution and collaborative problem solving.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
The impact of system dynamics on conflict management in communities from neighborhoods to nations. Implications of system dynamics for specifying goals and planning interventions to achieve them, from preemptive to corrective. Implications for training and organization.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Addresses respective needs of crime victims and offenders ignored by criminal justice system and international community. Retribution abandoned in favor of restorative model based on needs of victims, offenders and community, achieved through application of conflict resolution and peacebuilding processes.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Lawyers’ and clients’ cooperative voluntary conflict resolution process. Emphasizes shared belief that it is in best interest of parties to avoid adversarial proceedings. Commitment to resolving differences with minimal conflict and working together to create shared solutions to the issues.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Practical strategies to teach students to be peacemakers to reduce violence in schools. Discusses how schools can create cooperative learning environment where students learn how to negotiate and mediate peer conflicts and teachers use academic controversies to enhance learning.
Prerequisites: NCR 500, 503 and 504
Surveys a variety of process choices in dispute resolution. Recognizing that litigation may not be appropriate in many cases. Course examines alternatives such as negotiation, mini-trial, mediation, panel evaluation, summary jury trial, private judging, arbitration, and use of special masters.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Presents overview of inter-cultural communication negotiation and conflict resolution. Emphasizes understanding of values of inter-cultural as well as inter-religious diversity in our increasingly interdependent world, nation and local communities. Encourages awareness of cultural perspective and socialization.
Prerequisite: Requires approval program director
Examines the role of mass media in conflict resolution and peacebuilding, and its influence on world’s most intractable conflicts as well as support of peace initiatives. Considers how media can serve as part of the problem or part of the solution.
Prerequisites: All required and elective courses
Course is designed to enable students to demonstrate integration of knowledge of the field and critical and independent thinking. Preparation and delivery (oral and written) of culminating event under supervision of instructor. Faculty approval of written portfolio and successful oral defense re-quired for graduation. CR grade insufficient by itself. CR/NC grading. Repeatable for six units.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Independent study undertaken under the supervision of a faculty member. Repeatable course.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Study of a current topic in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. Repeatable for total of six units.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
In consultation with a faculty member, completion of readings for orientation to a little known topic; or as background for writing a thesis proposal (the concept for which has previously been approved by the NCR program director). CR/NC grading. Repeatable for total of six units.
Prerequisite: Requires approval of program director
Conduct of pilot studies, development of research instruments, or similar independent research in preparation for the thesis, under the supervision of a faculty member in any area of Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. CR/NC grading.
Prerequisites: Requires approval of NCRP program director
In consultation with a faculty member, writing of a master’s thesis in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding that has previously been approved by the NCR program director. Then, if thesis approved by faculty and oral defense successful, three units replace NCR 591 as culminating event. CR grade insufficient by itself. Choice of area requires prior approval of NCR program director. CR/NC grading.
Graduate students who have completed their course work but not their culminating event or who have other requirements remaining for the completion of their degree, may maintain continuous attendance by enrolling in this course. Signature of graduate program director required.
We have a broad range of students in the program. Some students are fresh out of their undergraduate programs, many are mid-career and active in their field, and we even have students who are actively looking to change careers later in their life, really to pursue a completely different career path.
Our master's program cost is $321 per credit unit and it is a 36 unit program. The overall cost will be about $11,500 plus books and other fees.
As for the post-master certificate program, the unit cost is the same, $321 per credit unit; that program is 18 units, so the cost will be at just below $6,000 plus books and fees.
Please see our Financial Aid Resources information.
Students can complete the NCRP program in as little as 18 months.
Yes, we do have specific arbitration courses. Please view the course listing for more information.
Yes, we have a former Ambassador, Steven Rhodes, who teaches in this program. You can also tailor your interest in your classes by speaking with your instructors about your coursework.
People who come back to earn the post-masters certificate want to hone their knowledge and skills in a particular area. They also gain more professional contacts in that particular area.
For those who fall below the minimum 3.0 requirement, please go ahead and still apply. There is a conditional admission process, whereby the student can be admitted if they have other attributes that may qualify them for the program. If you are close on some of the requirements, you are encouraged to apply and write a strong biographical essay. If you do not meet the minimum GPA requirement, write a strong biographical essay and prepare those who are writing your letters of recommendation to hit on the points about you and your capacity to be successful in the program because that information is also used to determine whether or not you're ready and likely to be successful in the program.
You can also take one or two courses before applying to the program, which can demonstrate your ability to do the work as well as raise your GPA.
In addition to the documents required for the program, International students would need all of the documentation listed at:
You can submit unofficial CSUDH transcripts in the application process.
The biographical essay has a 500 word minimum.
Yes, letters of recommendation are required. Your 3 letters of recommendation should be educational professional references and not personal references. It is preferred that these letters be original and on letterhead.
For more information, visit:
Please submit both your undergraduate and master’s degree transcripts.
Applicants must provide one (1) official transcript from each post-secondary institution attended (post-baccalaureate course work included) to be sent to the Admissions and Records Department at CSUDH:
If the institution providing the transcript can only mail the transcript, mail it to:
Admissions Office
California State University, Dominguez Hills
1000 E. Victoria Street
Carson, CA 90747
Yes. Contact the program coordinator for more information.
Yes, the degree began as a program for law enforcement, and many people in the field use it to move up in their field.
Although this is an asynchronous program, individual instructors may utilize standard web conferencing tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams to all students to experience actual synchronous environments similar to many of our public services (courts, arbitration services, etc.) do. We also use the campus learning management system's discussion boards and lecture recordings as well.
Students enjoy the opportunity to use groups and role playing in the online environment to fully delve into real-world instructions, goals, and outcomes in the negotiation process, which provides an optimal learning experience.
We currently work at a student-to-faculty ratio of 18:1, which is very manageable and helps to maintain a higher quality of communication.
We recommend a maximum of two courses per term; a graduate program feels “heavier” than an undergrad program and requires more work, but on average, you would need to devote at least an evening per week per class, and more depending on the student. Writing is a featured component of the coursework, as well as assigned reading; it’s really about your own time management, plus the nature of the particular course, so students may consider course work on a term-by-term basis, and talk to fellow students to best assess your course load and time needed to dedicate to the program.
Most of the time, the students work in a group work environment.
A number of our students get fully involved in research and publish their papers - which we highly encourage - in trade journals, peer-reviewed journals, professional and academic journals, and book authoring. We especially recommend students publish if they are interested in entering the community college teaching field, and even provide an equity grant designed for people that want to develop and give back as professors and teachers.
There is an informal mentoring program. Through your work with instructors on projects, you will develop an understanding of the field and how to get into and move up in the field. These instructors can also help you to network in the field in specific areas. Alumni are also available for connection.
No, you do not need to be in a position to start with. You can use the connections you make with our faculty and alumni as well as fellow students to help network to gain a desired position where you can use these skills.
Yes, we have a connection with Southwestern University Law School. We also have informal agreements with a number of universities. Please contact our program coordinator for more information.
We have had internship opportunities in Hawaii, Canada, Alaska, and other locations all around the world; for example, we have people work with indigenous peoples in Alaska in various settings. Please contact the program faculty for assistance negotiating or sponsored opportunities.
We do have a joint program with South Western University’s law school program which connects our master’s program with their JD program; we also have informal agreements with a number of universities, such as: the University of Hawaii Richardson School of Law; the University of Las Vegas Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution, the University of Missouri, Salisbury University, Simon Fraser University, and others. Please contact our program coordinator for more information.
Former Zimbabwean Ambassador, Professor Steven Rhodes brings practice knowledge from his embassy experience and subject matter experts to the program.
Arbitration covers international and collective bargaining subject areas as well: students should consider working with faculty to formulate course and thesis content that incorporates international aspects. We encourage students to submit their final paper in an area that prepares them academically and professionally for where they want to be in the career they’re pursuing.